Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Fitbit Weekly Stats: Mar 26 to Apr 01

For some reason, fitbit has not been sending my my weekly stat reports, so I've been having to manually pull the data from their website for the last few weeks. The emails I used to get were much nicer on the eyes, but I'm grateful that I can at least pull the data still and figure out my mileage at any given time.

Honestly, it's great to see the steps and the floors, but the main thing I care about is my miles. Off and on for the last few years I've been working on "walking around the world." (A link to the website it on the left had side of this post under Links.) I update my miles (logged via fitbit) each week and as of April 2, 2018, I've logged over 8,000 miles.

That all being said, part of my determination to make it around the world is due to a person named Leisa Stamey. Whether she knows it or not and whether she cares is irrelevant. If I ever had a rival, she's the one. Over the last several years, we've been neck and neck in terms of logging her miles and at one point I managed to log something like 300 miles extra in a year so that I could overtake the lead she'd created while I took a hiatus from logging. Each week that I log, I scope out her progress. Right now she's about 50 miles behind me, but that's not good enough. I want hundreds again which means more activity and better health. She's unknowingly my fitness coach and my motivation. If I ever get the chance to meet her, I'll be stuck between emotions. Do I love her or do I hate her?

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