Sunday, March 18, 2018

Weekly Training Recap Mar 12 to Mar 18

Monday, March12
Workout: Cycling Class, 25¢
Steps: 7488, 0¢
I've had a really consistent and somewhat nagging head and neck ache since mid-last week and it's really starting to wear me out. It took a lot out of me to get to my spin class this afternoon, but I got through it which was great. My intention was to also get to yoga this evening, but when I got home, I got comfortable and ended up not going to class.

Tuesday, March 13
Workout: N/A, 0¢
Steps: 4325, 0¢
Monica was out sick on Tuesday, so I forgot to take my lunch and run. And then I forgot my fitbit at work and kind of gave up on working out for the evening. Looking back at it now, I'm pretty disappointed with myself for that, but it's a good lesson learned and I'm going to do my best to not let it happen again.

Wednesday, March 14
Workout: Cycling Class, 0.5 Mile Run, 0.2 Mile Walk & Yoga Class, 56¢
Steps: 10339, 25¢
This was an awesome day. I felt really strong in my spin class and I was able to power through a 12 minute hill climb and then three sets of 10x jumps. It was super difficult, but I enjoyed the challenge and then my jello legs as I walked back to my office. In the evening, my intention was to get a good run in before yoga, but I really wasn't feeling it and my mind was elsewhere, so I only managed to get half a mile of running in (5 MPH) and then I walked another four minutes just to pass the time and get my 10,000 steps in for the day. Yoga class was great. It really helped me regain my focus and relax. I was even able to get some help and adjustments with my tripod headstand (work in progress!) right before class ended. It was one of the best classes I've been to in a while just for the fact that it really helped me become aware of hand, forearm, and shoulder positioning in ways that I wasn't before.

Thursday, March 15
Workout: N/A
Steps: 7357, 0¢
I decided not to bring my workout clothes to work and as a result I did not workout and I didn't do a real workout when I got home either. I marched in place to hit my required steps for my Step Bet, but other than that I really didn't do much.

Friday, March 16
Workout: N/A, 0¢
Steps: 8919, 0¢
Once again, I didn't do a real workout, but I did get a little bit of activity because I marched to get my Step Bet steps again. I wish I'd have pushed to hit 10,000, but as I'm recapping this week, I'm realizing that I didn't really push myself at all and I should have. It's a lesson learned and I'm hoping not to make the same mistakes again.

Saturday, March 17
Workout: Dance-a-thon!, 25¢
Steps: 10030, 25¢
So this wasn't really a workout, but I'm going to mark it as one anyway because I did a cross of marching in place and aerobic dance around my friend Frie's living room for something like 63 minutes. It truly was a workout, but not one in the traditional sense. Super fun, though.

Sunday, March 18
Workout: Morning Hike & Yoga, 39¢
Steps: >10,000, 25¢
I hiked the front side of Cowles Mountain for the first time today. It took my 40 minutes to get up to the summit and then 23 minutes to run back down to the trail head. Originally, I was supposed to go with a coworker, but she bailed on me at the last minute and I said, "Screw it. I'm going anyway." I had an absolutely great time, too, even though the trek was pretty hard. I never had to stop to catch my breath which was really exciting and it made me really excited to go back to Cowles again in the future. It's much closer to my house than I thought and because of that I will probably be back there again really soon.

Overall, this certainly was not my best week, but I was still able to get some good workouts in. The week wasn't wasted. I think I just need to set a schedule and really stick to it no matter what's going on. Next week I also start a new work schedule which will last me through the end of May. I will be getting off work an hour sooner on Monday and up to three hours early on Fridays, so it's going to free up my schedule considerably to get to yoga on Monday and add in some good runs on Friday, possibly on the track at work. I'm super excited about it and I'm really hoping that everything works out!

Total Earned Toward Dopey for the Week: $2.20
Total Saved To Date for Dopey 2023: $64.12 / $3,500

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