Recently, I decided that I really wanted to start getting back into running. Despite falling in and out of love with it over the last several years, I've found that my successes with running have always helped me boost my sense of self worth and have helped me combat the symptoms of my Bipolar, so I've recently been warming back up to the idea of running again in general.
As part of this new running saga, I've decided that I really want to start logging my training, my triumphs, and my struggles. If someone ever reads this, then I hope that they will glean something from it, but even if these posts are just for me, it will be nice to have the memories as years go by. When I found this running blog again (I didn't even know that it still existed until a few days ago), it was really interesting to go back and read what was going on in my life, so I'm hoping that by writing down my struggles and successes, it will give me perspective down the road if I ever need it. And who doesn't enjoy going down memory lane every once in a while, right? So... let's get to it.
Monday, February 26
Workout: Cycling Class, 25¢
I really enjoy my indoor cycling class as cardio cross training. This class gets me out of the office every Monday and Wednesday and helps me burn off any negativity that's floating around in my world. Monday's workout had a 7 minute hill climb and a 30-1-2-1-30 series of intervals that were both doozies. I was really tired and satisfied after leaving class that day and completed 17.6km. I also noticed that I am really starting to build up more muscular strength in my legs.
Tuesday, February 27
Workout: 2 Mile Track Run, 20¢
I was able to get out of the office on Tuesday and run on my lunch break. The weather was perfect, it was just a little bit chilly and I felt absolutely great afterward. I'm running really slowly right now (13:30 overall pace right now, but 11:45 for my first mile before I started walk/running), but my goal right now isn't speed. I'm just trying to build up endurance right now, so it's going really well.
Wednesday, February 28
Workout: Cycling Class, 25¢
This seems irrelevant, but I put new sheets on the bed Tuesday night and in hindsight it seems that I began to have a bad allergic reaction to them all through Wednesday. Multiple people commented on how flushed I was and when I went to class, whether it was psychosomatic or not, I felt really worn out during class. For the first time in the semester, I just sat and cruised for the day. I'm proud of myself for getting to my bike and putting miles in despite feeling bad, but I wish that I had pushed myself more during this class.
Thursday, March 1
Workout: 2 Mile Treadmill Run, 20¢
For the first time since I've worked in my current office, my boss let me leave early without it being an emergency or doctor's appointment. It was amazing, and to be perfectly frank, I came home and pretty much did nothing. Initially, I was going to go straight from work to the gym, but I didn't have any workout clothes with me at work or in the car, so I couldn't go directly to work out. When I came home, all I wanted to do was relax and I knew that if I changed out of my work clothes, I probably wouldn't end up leaving the house again for the day, so I compromised and put my workout clothes on before putting my warm pajamas on over them. It took me four hours to work up the energy to actually get back up and go to the gym, but I did it and ended up getting a 2 mile run out of the evening before coming home. My original intention was to do a 5km run, but about half way in, I started to get shin splint pain in my left leg. I was hoping that it was just a temporary sensation and tried to push through it, but after another half mile, I was in a lot more pain and had started limping, so I called it quits at 2 miles. Not a perfect run, but at least I got out of the house and worked out. Pace was 13:15/mile.
Friday, March 2
Friday was my rest day for the week because we had dinner plans with our friends Ana and Ted.
Saturday, March 3
Workout: Yoga & 2.14 Mile Walk, 47¢
My goal is to try and make it to yoga at least three times a week, but I haven't succeeded in that goal yet since I started practicing again. To be frank, I really felt like I was just going through the motions and poses yesterday and I had a really difficult time getting through the class. My mind just wasn't there and my gym buddy had bailed on me for the morning because she had had too much to drink the night before, so I was flying solo. That being said, I made it through yoga class and ended up hopping onto the treadmill for 40 minutes to get my steps in for the day. It wasn't the best workout I've ever done, but I was happy with myself for going despite the fact that I had only slept for about four hours the night before.
Sunday, March 4
Workout: 0.85 Mile Run, 3.9 Mile Walk Plus Abs, 29¢
My gym buddy was back in action this morning, so we did our Sunday usual and spend some serious time on the treadmill. I actually got there early today, so I was able to get about 20 minutes extra in today which was awesome. My goal was to get in a redemption 5km run plus some walking, but I only got in about a mile of running before my stomach began acting up. (Runner's stomach is the worst...) Anybody who's been in my shoes understands the fear that comes with a running stomachache, so I decided to walk for the next hour or so and I ended up doing a total of 4.75 miles for the day. It was awesome. Running average pace was 13:06. Total overall pace was 17:01.
Total Earned Toward Dopey for the Week: $1.63
Total Saved To Date for Dopey 2023: $40.44
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